And so, dear friends, Ms Monkey has decided to give up the fags. It's not the first time I have tried to quit the noxious weed, I made just shy of two weeks last time and then spent six months just smoking two or three a day. But, inevitably that crept up and I found myself puffing away on about fifteen a day....still an improvement on the forty a day habit I used to have but not tobacco free.
Now, I enjoy smoking. I love the sensation of the cool smoke as it draws down my throat and I like the flavour. It is the perfect accompaniment to a pint and a wonderful treat after a meal. However, it's also killing me and I have no desire to die...goth or no, death does not become this Monkey! Besides, I have little enough energy with my depression, that little energy I do have I want to utilize to the maximum. There are also the matters of nagging sore throats, chesty coughs, stinking like smelly old ashtray. Don't even get me started on the cost...
And so I have decided that enough is enough and today is the day. And so, I shall endeavour to write a little something; a quitters diary if you will, to share my experiences and, hopefully, motivate me NOT to relapse and give in to temptation. Misery loves company dear reader...
I am using a combination of methods...I am that weak willed...a 24 hour nicotine patch, quick mist inhaler and electronic cigarette. My electronic ciggie has died...not a good start! The patch feeds you a constant stream of nicotine over the day, supposedly relieving the cravings....supposedly. However, the glue isn't the strongest and they have a tendency to fall off. They also have a tendency to irritate my skin and I am left with a wonderful chequerboard effect on my legs. One interesting side effect of them is to make you sleep lighter, giving you the most wonderful, vivid dreams.
Quick mist gives an instant hit and is much better at relieving those annoying does, however, taste like peppermint battery acid...I pop a bit of chewing gum in at the same time to suppress the need to spit it out...another problem is that if you swallow too quickly after squirting you get a spectacular fit of hiccoughing. Have to admit that by about three in the afternoon I have had enough mint to last me a life time...
The electronic cigarette is not recommended for those giving up...according to my long suffering smoking counsellor, it is not advised because of the variable amount of nicotine it delivers...and, initially, because a lot of them were dodgy Chinese imports with no controls. Things have changed now and you can buy them at the local supermarket. You can also buy nicotine free ones...mine isn't! They work by providing a smoking sensation and releasing clouds of water these really do satisfy that smoking only needs a couple of puffs to get a sense of release...of course, a time will come when I have to wean myself off these little blighters....but I'm not going to worry about that for a while!
Day 1:
I awake and instantly think about smoking...not a normal early morning thought...but today is the day. I try to spend the day in bed...I haven't smoked in my bedroom for years, nor do I have any cravings while I am asleep. However, an argument breaks out between sons as to who is wearing whose school trousers interrupts my pleasant slumber and I am forced to get up...
As I make a cup of tea and blearily try to feed the cats, I am thinking how one little roll up wouldn't hurt...I am strong and retreat to the living room with my cup of tea. All day, I think of smoking electronic cigarette refuses to charge, which does my temper no good. By lunch time I have a chesty cough as all that tar starts to loosen up...I resist the unladylike urge to spit large grollys into the sink. I can smell more than I could dog, she lunchtime I am in the car and off to the co-op to buy an e cigarette...I make it till 4pm before using it...I can't face anymore quickmist, its left a minty corpse like flavour in my cough disappears and the e ciggie has a bonus of relieving the cravings post evening meal...but I now have a sore throat...
I am going to have an early night, once those teeth are clean, the cravings will stop and I can sleep like a baby...tomorrow, Scarlet, is another day!