Weird, nicotine fuelled dreams last night included...some bizarre guerrilla gardening in some pensioner's garden. They weren't very appreciative and called the police. But the weirdest one was when I stopped to help a chav who had broken down in his lad mobile and the AA turned up and stole my car. They then reversed it up the main road, through a cardboard box, through a tent and through a plate glass window....why there was a tent in the middle of the road, I have no idea!
Smoking clinic today. Even though I have been good, regarding my smoking, I still feel guilty because of the e-ciggie. E-ciggies are not recommended as part of a smoking cessation program, apparently, although I didn't get the telling off I was expecting!
I arrived at my session only to be met with the stench of stale tobacco, apparently the appointment before me had not had the same success at would appear that my sense of smell is returning with a vengeance...nice to know that I stank like that! Now I just smell of dog and Estee Lauder...I'd rather not smell of dog but she does have one of those smells that seems to have a life force all of its own! Sadly, it also means that all of those times I went into my smoking sessions pretending that I hadn't had a ciggie that morning, must've been a source of amusement to my counsellor, as I must've stunk like a stale bonfire...oh well. Have to say I do find my nose being distracted when I walk past the smokers at the local Co-op...I find myself taking extra deep breaths, trying to suck in that intoxicating smoke...NO!! No smoking fantasies allowed!
Anyway, I confessed my use of the e-ciggie, and the reaction was better than I had hoped. Indeed, my counsellor spoke of a time when he could see e-ciggies being used on prescription by the NHS...if indeed there is an NHS still left by then! The problem with them is that there have been no peer reviewed, clinical studies into their effects; be they positive or negative. The ciggies use a propellant that could cause lung problems, however, it is the same propellant used in asthma inhalers, so that may be a mute point! One of the other problems is that they do not provide a measured dose of nicotine. Again, cartridges are now sold with set amounts of nicotine...including nicotine we discussed this, I could sense his confidence in his negative arguments fading...and so I pulled the coup de grace..."I think I might become addicted to these..."
We then discussed how I should use the e-ciggie as a safety net only. To be used only when I would otherwise knock one of the boys into the middle of next week for chipping a mug or putting the casserole dishes away, without stacking them according to size, for example. And then only to be used outside, in the howling wind and rain; to make it as inconvenient as possible. I think this is a fine idea and I will start implementing it as soon as possible. Maybe tomorrow...or the day after!
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