Friday 27 January 2012

When circumstances attack!

Just a quick little note really. Sorry there hasn't been much to read this week, but circumstances have ganged up on us again!

Dude got attacked on his way home from school. Two boys and a girl decided to make my little man's life a misery. He was knocked to the floor and hit about the head and had the contents of his bag strewn about. He is, as you can understand, somewhat traumatised by all of this.

The school have, I am pleased to say, been swift in their dealing of this and all 3 children (they are the same age, eleven!) have been suspended. Further action will be taken against the lad who committed the actual assault, of which I will be informed when the Head's decision has been reached.

Dude, unfortunately makes an easy target for bullies. He doesn't have many friends and is quite immature in comparison to his peers. He suffered a lot from bullying in his lower school, a point that made me consider moving him from mainstream school when he moved up. But, he argued strenuously against it and I was told that there would be little chance of funding for a place out of mainstream.

He has had a little bit of time off, but I have encouraged him to go back and luckily his peers have only shown concern towards him since he went back. I don't want to end up in a repeat situation that we had in his last school, where he was frightened to go in and worked himself up into such a state that he couldn't see anyway forward. It is so hard to hear your child talking about wishing himself dead. But at least he was talking!

Gee has had to be throttled back from wanting to 'Kick the living shit out of them'. No matter how tempting it would be, it would only end up with him being in all kinds of trouble in a very important year academically. Plus, in my belief, violence is not the solution, instead they need to be turned into the pariahs!

I really would like to know what we have done to piss Karma off so much!


  1. I was talking to a teacher last week and they stated that the best form of punishment they had come across for bullies was "internal suspension" when the bully was not sent home where they could relax and play on the PS2 etc, but rather separated from friends at all breaks and lunchtime and excluded into a schoolroom where they could do school work, a much more effective punishment! Thought I would pass this on in case you need to add this as a suggestion to the head and teachers. Hope Dude's week has passed without incident! xx

  2. It was 'inclusion' that they were given, not exclusion. I misheard and filled in the gaps. Have now had a letter confirming it from the school. Glad they acted so quickly!
