Friday 13 January 2012

Winter Sunday

This week started so well. On Sunday I took advantage of the fine weather to do a little job in the garden that has been 'on the list' since late summer.

As you can see, the Phormium tenax (green spiky thing) and Hebe 'Saphire' have taken over the path to the workshop. This has meant either getting a soaking, on one's journey to the freezer, or running the gauntlet of 'Lolli' deposits on the lawn.

Phormium is a tough, old brute of a plant; great for coastal situations and originally introduced from the Antipodes for fibre production. Hence its common name New Zealand Flax. This plant can be hacked away at any time of the year, although if you want it's showy flower spikes it's probably best to leave it alone from March, through to September.

One of my main reasons for avoiding this haircut...apart from sheer laziness, and the fact that we don't seem to have had any dry days since the start of October (Don't ever listen to anybody who tells you that Cornwall gets the best weather, they are probably Antlanteans!!), is that the Hebe has been in constant flower.

The general rule of thumb with pruning is to wait until said shrub has finished flowering before laying waste with shears, trimmers or bladed weapon of choice. However, this Hebe has obviously heard of this rule before and continually flowers throughout the year.

 It's a good idea to sharpen the old shears before attempting to prune. Blunt implements will leave additional damage, which can lead to secondary infestations, such as moulds, setting in. It is always best practise to clean and sterilise your tools between plants to prevent the spread of any nasties.

And when the work is finished a cup of tea, builders strength, is called for. Sadly, it's not over least favourite part...the tidying up!

One important thing to remember, when you have a disability, is to make jobs fit your abilities. This pruning job was not so big as to strike me with dread when I look at the tidying up. Always set yourself achievable goals. If you decide to prune everything in sight, the inability to tidy up after yourself will leave you with feelings of inadequacy and guilt at the mess remaining. One step forward and two steps back is not the way to go...I still slip up on this one...I can hear them chanting at the pain a vaguely Obi-wan type voice..."use the pacing Helen, use the pacing....". Spooky!!

All of this mess needs to be bagged for the recyclers. I compost most things, but the fibre content of the Phormium means it will take far to long for my purposes and I have a mountain of garden waste to bonfire as is!

And a job well done...see, even the dog agrees! Sadly I can now see lots of other jobs that need doing....but not today!

Now I really need a shed, a pot belly stove with coffee percolator and an old stripey deckchair to sit on..I should have a home knit tank top, a cloth hat and an old briar....or is that the two Ronnies? Time to bung a chicken in the oven and apply more eyeliner then!

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