Thursday 16 February 2012

From the mouths of babes...

At the request of my dear friend Lorna, (you didn't ask for a pseudonym, so you didn't get one!), I am dedicating a little section of this blog to some of the things that my son, Dude, comes out with, that either make me want to laugh till I cry or just leave me standing there with my mouth hanging open like a gob smacked goldfish.

As I have already explained, Dude has a condition related to Autistic Spectrum Disorder and this means that he sees the world in a much more literal way to everybody else. He doesn't always understand the social rules that govern the rest of us and tends to blurt out whatever is in his mind at the time: "Isn't it great the hamster's dead? Now we can get another cat." (at the hamster's funeral). Combine this with his above average vocabulary and the results can often be somewhat humorous, at others disastrous. However, this section is not about those social clangers that can leave one squirming, but those blunt, one liners that tickle one's funny bone.

The latest classics follow:

Whilst stood surveying tumultuous rain at the back door, Dude meanders past with a sandwich; "Goodness! It's really chucking it down. I'm guessing the Tories are responsible?"

Whilst I'm playing a Lord of the Rings type video game on the PlayStation, "Honestly Mother! Skyrim is not about exploring random caves, it's about killing dragons and shopping!"


  1. They have no idea about how to REALLY play video games these children do they? X

  2. my Son does just as well with the dodgy comments. His best few "this house is a mess isn't it?" "you can't live together you're not married" "have you got coz kids i can play with" well done capt chaos!
