Tuesday 14 February 2012

Queen of Hearts....

And so it's February the fourteenth...isn't time passing quickly these days?

No, I did not get any Valentine's cards. I wasn't expecting any, so had no sense of disappointment when I opened a bill from the Student Loan Company. Annoyance that, yet again, I have forgotten to send back my deferral form, but no expectation of hearts and flowers. I am content, for the moment, with my single life.

So, what are the advantages of the single life then Ms Monkey, I hear you ask? Well, I can have as many cats as I want, for a start! It also means that nobody but myself and the Government can have claim to the contents of my bank account (and of course the mortgage company, credit cards, utilities, insurance companies etc).....(and when I say bank account I mean extensive overdraft, of course).

It means that I can spend my winters with furry legs and not give a damn...and summers as well if I feel so inclined! I can wear saggy pyjamas and furry slippers. I can wear my hair short and dye it sky-blue-pink....or black! I can bring dead birds back from the beach without anybody thinking I'm slightly deranged. OK, that one is a bit of a grey area, as my children have made several comments on the strangeness of my behaviour and Dude, who had to travel in the car with the corpses (which were a little ripe), made several allusions to the state of my mental health....the dog thought it was awesome, however!

Do I miss anything about being single? Well, there are those moments when it would be nice to share a feeling or an emotion...but those are fleeting moments. And the intimacy? The 'rumpy-pumpy', I hear you ask? What's wrong with a cup of tea I say? It lasts longer and doesn't make you sleep in the soggy patch! (OK, I do miss that a bit....)

But, I am now so set in my ways it will take a very special Mr Right to win his way into my heart....he will also have to be solvent (and a dab hand at DIY)! As Mr Depp and Mr Vanian are taken (although I hear rumours regarding Mr Depp....) I will happily settle for the companionship of my darling children, my smelly mutt and my feline friends....at least for now!

So, to those couples among you....Happy Valentines Day! To those singletons, Happy Tuesday...I love you all!!

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