Monday 13 February 2012

Tummy troubles and ASD...

I just thought I would post an interesting article I found about a bit of research concerning gastrointestinal problems and their link to ASD.

Dude has long suffered discomfort and constipation and I had no idea that the conditions were related. Luckily we have a very empathic GP, who, whenever I take Dude in, will patiently listen to his descriptions of the problem and use pictures and websites to help Dude get his problems opposed to ignoring him and asking me! In these times of pressure on the NHS it's wonderful to be able to highlight good practice and I cannot complement my GP enough for his people skills. I don't mind that I often have to wait half an hour to see him because I know that he will take as much time as is needed to get to the root of a problem, rather than only allowing you the ten minutes alloted! Sadly my GP is only available two days a week, which just goes to show the time pressures that GP's already have to deal with. The current plans to shoulder GP's with more responsibility for management of the NHS will surely put more pressure on them to spend time away from their patients....I'm not convinced that this is in any way a positive step!

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