Tuesday 2 October 2012

Stoptober diary...day 2

Day 2:
Last night's nicotine fuelled dream involved running off and becoming a cowboy...I wasn't a very good one, rustlers stole the panda....yes, I said panda.
I have woken up with a throat that feels like it has been sandpapered...I think I may have been a little over enthusiastic with the e-ciggie yesterday. I shall have to resolve to save it for those moments of total desperation. I feel as if my cold has come back, as all of the phlegm loosens up. My nose is running and I feel the urge to cough up big lumps of ...well, nasty.
This morning seems a little easier. Today, I feel a little smug that I have made it through 24 hours without a smoke. The cravings are not as strong and they're not popping into my head every five minutes....just every fifteen!
By lunch time, I have really had enough of the chewing gum...it is starting to leave an unpleasant taste in my mouth and my jaws are starting to ache. I make it until two o'clock before I have a puff on the old e-ciggie...it makes me cough...I take this as a good sign!
Feeling stressed by about 4pm, it feels like my lungs are screaming for a ciggie...my brain takes my lungs aside and tells them to stop being such a pussy...when that fails, it administers a slap and tells them that they are just going to have to make do with the e-ciggie as we are not even contemplating failure, especially at less than 48 hours tobacco free!

Evenings are normally a weak time; there is nothing so pleasurable as a cigarette after a meal. And so I disappear to my room, praying that the children won't pop in to see me and chatter about some inanity...I might just bite their heads off. I shall, therefore, be puffing like Ivor the engine on the old e-ciggie tonight!

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