Wednesday 3 October 2012

Stoptober 3

Day 3.
Strange nicotine fuelled dream last night involved marrying my ex-partner (vomits) and flying to the Caribbean in a light plane that had to make a forced landing in the ocean. The pilot then drove the plane up a street and took off again...I'm assuming this is my sub-conscious telling me that my last relationship was a plane crash....YES! I FECKING WELL KNOW THAT!!
Finding everything a bit of a chore today...unable to find any enthusiasm for anything and am finding myself watching day time television; the sure fire way to brain entropy...A few cravings today but nothing major. The biggest problem is the way thoughts keep popping into my head...'I'll just have a ciggie before I do that...'...'Ooh...a ciggie would be nice' This is the biggest problem...these thoughts just pop in there and are difficult to dismiss. Annoying little mind worms!!
Today has been doubly stressful as I have had to go to the docs to get my coil changed...But Ms Monkey, I hear you cry, you are a spinster! Why put yourself through such manoeuvres? I did ask myself that for several hours this morning...nothing quite like having a piece of sharp plastic rammed up your cervix, without pain relief, to put the necessity of contraception into sharp perspective. However, what sold it to me in the end, was the thought of no more periods for the rest of my my age 'the change' is just around the corner and so five minutes of discomfort for another eight years lacking hormonal roller coaster rides and monthly 'builders visits' suits me just fine, thank you very much! And so, I was a little early puffing away at the old e-ciggie today, but I have successfully resisted the temptation to puff on a real one...that feeling of smugness is back!
As the addition of the e-ciggie to my arsenal was a last minute thought, I didn't shop around but bought a disposable one from the local co-op. It's very good...although I have little to compare to...however, today I decided to buy another one...just in case this one runs out! This one is going strong...but best to be prepared! I have no idea how long it will last, but if I end up getting through one a week, I may have to consider a rechargeable one. I have done a little research, and they seem to come in a variety of colours, although this one looks like a real ciggie...apart from the glowing blue light on the end. I do quite like the idea of the 'matt black' e-ciggie, very goth! They also come in a variety of flavours, including 'branded' flavours, such as; Old Holborn or Camel...I am a little dubious as to whether these flavours will translate accurately, but there are also interesting flavours such as strawberry, chocolate & whiskey...who would've thought? One can also vary the amount of nicotine one intakes, from 35mg to 0. They've certainly come on a long way since their dodgy Chinese origins...Although, I would recommend that you only purchase them from a reputable UK seller! I shall write more on this subject as the days progress...

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