Thursday 4 October 2012 4

Is it only day four? I'm in the danger zone now...for the next two weeks I have to guard against complacency. The first hurdle is giving up for those first few days, saying no to all those, I have to guard against those thoughts that say things like 'well done you..that wasn't so can give up any time...why don't you just have one to prove it?' And that would be a slippery slope to ruin....but sooo easy at this point...

No nicotine fuelled dreams to report...I'm sure there was one but I had to hit the floor running as teenage son woke me at six to tell me he had a migraine...and so, I have had company today. And so my day has been spent vegging in front of the telly, watching Alien films. Distinct lack of cravings and naughty tempting thoughts this morning...but I finished my e-ciggie! This is disappointing, I was hoping it would last a little longer. The packet says that it is the equivalent of 30 ciggies...however, money wise, it does not equate to my normal smoking habit. I normally spent £7 per week on tobacco, which does not equate to £6 every three days on the would seem that I need to restrict my use of this technological marvel...I think that a re-chargeable one may be the way forward...and possibly look at nicotine free's all very confusing! Plus, I don't have a great deal of money to play with...

Smoking clinic in the morning...not sure how much of a lecture I'm going to get about the e-ciggie...oh well!

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